Calmetrix Calorimeters
Calorimetry can be used to study virtually any chemical, biological or physical reaction. Calmetrix offers isothermal and semi-adiabatic calorimeters that can be used in multiple fields.
I-Cal Flex Isothermal Calorimeter
The I-Cal Flex’s flexible sample cell configuration lets users choose between up to 8 sample cells of 20 ml capacity for homogeneous food items, or up to 2 sample cells of 450 ml capacity, with sample vials suitable for large inhomogeneous samples such as soils, fruits, meats and other food items, minerals, small insects, crops and seeds, sludges, cement or concrete, and others. The I-Cal Flex's isothermal temperature can be set as low as 2°C and it offers the best precision and baseline stability in its class.
Applications: a vast selection from the Materials and LIfe Sciences, including Food Science, Microbiology, Agricultural Science, Polymers, Soil Science, Marine Life, Environmental Science, etc.
Biocal Isothermal Calorimeters
Biocal isothermal calorimeters can be used in a wide range of applications such as Food Science, Microbiological Studies, Agri-Science, Soil Studies, Polymers, to name a few. Each Calmetrix calorimeter includes versatile software with a user-defined interface for quick data interpretation. Data can also easily be exported to be used in most common data analysis software.
Applications: Microbiology, Food Science, Agricultural Science, Environmental Sciences, etc.
I-Cal HPC Isothermal Calorimeters
I-Cal HPC are isothermal calorimeters designed to meet the needs of cement and concrete professionals, from research and development of new cement products or admixtures to process and quality control in cement plants. These High Performance Calorimeters (HPC) conform to ASTM C1702 (heat of hydration testing) and ASTM C1679 (isothermal calorimetry).
Applications: Cement and Concrete Research and Quality Control, Admixture development, Geopolymers, "green" Cements
I-Cal Ultra Isothermal Calorimeter
I-Cal Ultra can accommodate 1 - 8 sample cells and was designed for testing of small sample sizes in the field of cement and other cementitious or pozzolanic materials. I-Cal Ultra features superior sensitivity, precision and temperature control. Beyond being fully compliant with ASTM C1679 and ASTM C1702 standards, its performance level allows for much more advanced studies, including very long term testing of up to several months.
Applications: Advanced Cement Research, Admixture development, Geopolymers, "green" Cements
F-Cal Semi-adiabatic Calorimeters
F-Cal semi-adiabatic calorimeters are designed to simulate the conditions of concrete flatwork. Their "suitcase-like" portability makes them ideal for mix design, troubleshooting or quality control in concrete plants, for field work or in mobile laboratories. F-Cal is compliant with ASTM C1753.
Applications: Concrete mix design, Raw material selection, Troubleshooting, all uses as a Field equipment