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CalCommander 2  for I-Cal 4000/8000 and I-Cal 2000/4000/8000 HPC

User Instruction Videos  

How to register and set up your software 

Software Registration and Settings

Register your software and choose your preferences in the Settings tab

How to operate your I-Cal or I-Cal HPC calorimeter


Operate your I-Cal calorimeter - set up the logging parameters and temperature control for your experiment

How to calibrate your I-Cal or I-Cal HPC calorimeter 


Operate your I-Cal calorimeter - set up the logging parameters and temperature control for your experiment

How to run a cement paste, mortar or concrete test in an I-Cal or I-Cal HPC

Cement Paste Test

Operate your I-Cal calorimeter - set up the logging parameters and temperature control to test paste (binder + water)

Internal Mixer Test

Operate your I-Cal calorimeter with an internal mixer to fully capture the early aluminate reaction.

Concrete Test

Operate your I-Cal calorimeter - set up the logging parameters and temperature control to test concrete (binder + aggregates + water)

How to optimize results for ASTM C1897 / RILEM R3 Reactivity testing 

Sample Preparation 

Sample preparation method for best results with an I-Cal HPC calorimeter when testing reactivity of a cement supplement according to the ASTM C1897 or RILEM R3 test method

Baseline Correction

Correct baselines after test completion, e.g when conducting experiments according to RILEM R3 or ASTM C1897

How to conduct basic analysis of curves  


Look at experimental results and analyze data visually or create reports

How to use optional software for advanced analysis


Estimate compressive strength of past or mortar mixes

HoH (Heat of Hydration)

Determine the specific heat of hydration value for a cement, as per ASTM C1702  I-Cal 2000 HPC, I-Cal 4000 HPC or I-Cal 8000 HPC calorimeters)

SO3 (Sulfate)

Find the optimum sulfate level in any cement, including complex blended cements

AE (Activation Energy)

Calculate the activation energy and plot Arrhenius curves for a mix


Estimate initial and final setting times of paste or mortar mixes

How to start a remote Support session

Remote Support Session

Start a remote support session so that our technicians can have a look at your calorimeter,

reading internal sensors in your calorimeter that monitor operational parameters.

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