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F-Cal - Portable semi-adiabatic calorimeters for lab and field
F-Cal semi-adiabatic calorimeters are designed to simulate the conditions of concrete flatwork. Their "suitcase-like" portability makes them ideal for mix design, troubleshooting or quality control in concrete plants, for field work or in mobile laboratories.
F-Cal semi-adiabatic calorimeters and software
Type of instrument: Semi-adiabatic Calorimeter
Number of test channels: 8
Suitable for mortar or concrete, conforms to ASTM C1753
Examples of use:
Mix designs
Troubleshooting (incompatibility of materials)
Inbound quality control of raw materials
Quick estimation of setting time
Portable diagnostics and troubleshooting instrument for admixture, cement or fly ash field technicians
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