Calmetrix I-Cal & I-Cal HPC - Cement & Concrete
This page applies to I-Cal 2000 HPC, I-Cal 4000 HPC, I-Cal 8000 HPC, I-Cal 4000 and I-Cal 8000 isothermal calorimeters
Video Tutorials
Operating Instructions
Watch videos to learn how to run a test in your I-Cal or I-Cal HPC calorimeter, and to conduct data analysis in the Calcommander 2 software.
CalCommander 2 for Cement and Concrete studies
Download Software
Software Registration
Lectures about Isothermal Calorimetry
Learn from professor Lars Wadsö (Lund University) how isothermal calorimeters work, how they are designed and what it takes to build one.
Webinars about calorimetry in Cement and Concrete
Watch recorded webinars about typical applications and uses of Calorimetry in Cement and Concrete Technology
Application Notes
Applications in Cement and Concrete Studies
C01 - Sulfate Balance (Cement)
C02 - Sulfate Balance (with SCM and Admixtures)
C03 - Strength Prediction
C04 - Shotcrete Optimization
C05 - Sulfate Optimization using Heat of Hydration
C06 - Setting Time Estimation
C07 - Pozzolanic Reactivity Measurement
C08 - Optimization of cement substitutes
C09 - Cement hydration and retarders